ORIGINS Lundayeh
Lundayeh is the name given to one of the indigenous tribes in Sabah. Lundayeh lesser known tribes because many consider Lundayeh is Murut. Not surprisingly appeared various terms such as "Lun Dayu", "Lun Daya", "Lan Dayu", "Lun Daye", "Lun Dayoh" etc., referring to the tribe Lundayeh. In terms of sound, called Lundayeh [lundayÓ™h].
Lundayeh tribe known also by the name of Lun Bawang (in Sarawak and Brunei Darussalam), which is the earliest indigenous ethnic population occupying the island of Borneo. In the years before 1960, the tribes of the Lun Bawang Lundayeh or labeled with the name of the Murut (Pollard, 1933, 1935; Southwell 1949; Crain in 1974, 1978; Deegan 1973). Murut term caused much confusion. This argument is completely based on opinion Prentice, DJ (1965:127-150) that, on the island of Borneo Murut there are two groups of people: one group called Sarawak Murut (Lun Bawang are) living in Sarawak and Sabah is known as Lundayeh, while a group Another called the Murut of Sabah and Sarawak is known as Tagal. By Prentice D.J. more (in Bilcher Bala 1993:23) label Lun Bawang originally arose from a dispute classification used Murut in Sabah and Sarawak. In Sabah, the term referred to tribes as Timogun, question must, Baukon, Scourge, Sumambuq, Alumbis and Tagal or Tagol (Idahan Murut). While in Sarawak, this label refers to the Lun Bawang or Tagal. In addition to ethnic Murut pendeskripsian by Prentice DJ also found other identification to refer to ethnicity.
According Langub (Ipoi Dathan 1989:143), Murut is Used by Outsiders as an ethnic terms of reference for the people "who Consider themselves as Lun Bawang. However, the Lun Bawang s tourism use other labels Dayeh The annual Lun, Lun Lod, Lun Ba, Lun Lun Bawang Tana Luun and peace terms of self-reference.
There are two equations ethnic reference code is based on a study Ipoi Dathan and Crain (1974) mentioned that ethnic Lun Bawang and Lun Dayeh. Crain, citing studies Prentice D.J. (In Ipoi Dathan 1989:143) in relation to ethnic identification in Sabah, has stated that, "Notes that's term" Murut "is Used by Outsiders to refer to a varied assortment of mountain peoples in northern Sarawak and the interior district of Sabah. In Sabah, "Murut" is Used as an ethnic terms of reference for Irma groups Timungon, Nabay, Baukan, Scourge, Sumambuq and Alumbis (Prentice 1972) and in Sarawak, the people who call themselves Lun Bawang and Lun Dayeh sometimes.
So, all the findings of the preliminary study of the origin and the arrival period Lundayeh to Borneo is directly related to the Murut language although in terms of both the indigenous tribes of Sabah is no lexical similarity.
JB Crain study (1978) found that Lun Lun Bawang Dayeh or found in Borneo: 25,000 in Kalimanatan, 2,000 in Sabah, Brunei 300 or more, and 10,000 in Sarawak (Department of Statistics, Malaysian Population Report, 1980). In East Kalimantan, these tribes are found around Palu and Mentarang, Kemaloh, Swamp and River Sesayap; in Sabah are concentrated in the Ulu Padas and Mengalong; namely Brunei Temburong district and Pandaruan (jar and Harrisson, 1949; Harrisson 1959 Le Bar 1972). While in Sarawak in Lawas and Limbang in Part Fifth.
A western historian named T.R. William (dlm. Mat Zin Mat Kib, 2003:25) argues about 15,000 to 20,000 years ago has been migration from southern China to Southeast Asia and the shoreline, including the island of Borneo. Among those who moved from Asia for the last 1,500 to 1,000 BC consisting of ethnic groups today called "Deadman" and "Murut". Based on this fact Dusun and Murut group said two of the earliest groups in Sabah. This group is generally called Proto-Malay (Bellwood 1985:103; Collins 1998:3-4). Tom Harrison (1959) and S.Runciman (1960) also confirm that this is the earliest people living in the mountainous regions of central Borneo.
If this is the case, based on historical evidence, Lundayeh clumps associated with Austronesian people from the archipelago that have established branches in Kalimantan. Asmah Omar (1985:36,38) are also Austronesian family group of four families. According to Lun Dayeh language (Lundayeh) is a cluster of other Central Indonesia Malay language, some language in Sarawak (except Bisaya), Kalimantan and other Indonesian islands. Relevance to the Austronesian language Lundayeh evidenced by the presence of several examples of ancient Austronesian vocabulary (BAP) are identical in sound with English vocabulary Lundayeh.
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